About Blue Cross Poland
For over 20 years, we have been providing professional assistance to addicted, sick, disadvantaged or victims of various causes. Our Foundation is the Polish branch of the international organization International Federation of Blue Cross with headquarters in Bern, Switzerland, gathering 41 branches scattered around the world. In Poland, we run therapeutic centers in Bielsko-Biała, Żywiec, Czechowice-Dziedzice and in Pszczyna. Group and individual therapy is conducted there for people addicted to psychoactive substances and to activities (e.g. addicted to gambling, computer, Internet, telephone, shopping, work, sex or pornography). We help co-addicted people and Adult Children of Alcoholics. In addition, in Bielsko-Biała there is a Department of Treatment of Withdrawal Syndromes, i.e. a detoxification department and a Readaptation Center serving the addicted (or at risk of addiction), the homeless, those, who left prison. We train professionals working with the addicted and their families, we educate therapists, we conduct study visits to partner hospitals and addiction treatment centers abroad. We also organize conferences related to the topic of work with addicts and their family members, addressed to professionals who help people in need. In addition, we deal with mediation, i.e. resolving disputes outside the courtroom, but in the presence of an impartial mediator.
The mission of the Foundation is to provide professional assistance to people in need in accordance with the Christian vision of man.
We are convinced that our task is also to spread knowledge about contemporary threats, as well as raising public awareness about treatment options and supporting people who have fallen into addiction and their loved ones. We believe that we have been given a life that can be full of passion, pursuit of personal development, overcoming our own limitations and free from addictions.

In the centers run by the Blue Cross we run:
For people affected with addiction/dependece:
1. Therapy of addiction to alcohol and other psychoactive substances - drugs (including so-called "legal highs"), medicines;
2. The therapy of addiction to pathological gambling, sexoholism (sex addiction, pornography), workaholism, infoholism (computer and other new technology devices), phonoholism (telephone), shopaholism, addictive debt, addictive exercise, sunbathing and other behavioral addictions (related to addictive activities).
For family members of the addicted:
1. Co-addiction therapy for partners, parents, siblings, etc .;
2. Therapy for Adult Children of Alcoholics (DDA)
In addition, patients can benefit from:
1. Consultation with a lawyer;
2. Consultation with the financial advisor;
3. Consultation with a psychologist;
4. Consultations with specialist doctors - psychiatrists.

We conduct therapy in our centers in two forms:
- outpatient - group and individual therapy in the morning and afternoon;
- Daytime Addiction Treatment Department, Daytime Behavioral Addiction Department
- classes every day, from Monday to Friday, all therapy in this form lasts 10 weeks (working people have the opportunity to obtain a sick leave).
In addition, in the Stationary Behavioral Addiction Treatment Center and in the Hostel for addicts we have accommodation and meals under financing from the National Health Fund and the Gambling Problem Solving Fund for people undertaking treatment in our centers.
People who require detoxification can benefit from a stay and treatment at our Ward of Abstinence Syndrome.
The therapy is conducted by psychologists, certified psychotherapy specialists and addiction therapy instructors. Principles, a comprehensive therapy program for our centers is consulted with supervisors of the State Agency for Solving Alcohol Problems and scientific employees of the Medical University of Silesia in Katowice.
All our therapeutic centers operate under a contract with the National Health Fund and the Gambling Problems Fund.
We also run a Mediation Center, in which, among others, family therapy, mediation in determining the rules of childcare in a perinatal situation and parental education regarding childcare after the termination of the parents' relationship.

In a nutshell
What do we do?
The foundation deals with:
• helping people in a life crisis. The crisis may concern:
1. struggling with addiction or living with an addict - co-addiction or DDA (Adult Children of Alcoholics),
2. being in conflict regarding e.g. continuing to look after children after separation, being in a family dispute in general,
3. being in a temporary situation such as leaving prison or threat of homelessness and social exclusion (for people who want to undergo therapy and adapt again to functioning in society).
• organization of trainings and conferences for therapists and people professionally connected with helping other people (we organize conferences every 2 years, e.g. Behavioral addictions and domestic violence - November 2015, Sexoholism - a source of social threats - November 2017, E-addiction - a source of social threats - November 2018)
• generally understood prevention through the promotion of health (especially mental health) and encouragement to an active and conscious lifestyle by participating in various actions, sobriety picnics, festivals, bicycle rallies or runs.

Who do we cooperate with?
The Foundation cooperates with local level institutions (UM, UG, self-governments, OPSs, Police headquarters, POIKi PCPRs), supra-local and nationwide (e.g. Ministry of Justice, State Agency for Solving Alcohol Problems, National Bureau for Drug Prevention) and is part of the International Blue Cross. Together with the Silesian Medical University in Katowice, the foundation creates a research consortium and jointly conducts scientific research.

Can the foundation collect 1%?
Yes, the foundation is a Public Benefit Organization, you can donate 1% by entering in the appropriate KRS column of the foundation 0000118020.

If you want to support us financially, here are our bank account details:
02 8111 0009 2001 0034 2519 0020


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